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16 February 2025
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Life Groups

At CRC, we believe true life change happens in community. As a result, we hope to seek spiritual transformation through Life Groups as we Do Life Together!

All Life Groups currently offered are listed below.

  • Women’s Well With My Soul Life Group:

Led by Sally Reed and Julie Hutchings
We are a Women’s Wellness and Soul Care Group for outdoor nature lovers seeking stress reduction, good health, and spiritual growth in a fun way.
We meet the first and last week of every month, once for an outdoor activity, and the other for a time of fellowship in God’s Word.

  • The Chosen – TV Series – Life Group:

Led by Marsha and Randy Anderson
“The Chosen Life Group is a church-wide opportunity to dig deeper into the stories of Jesus in the Gospels as displayed in The Chosen tv series. We meet every other Sunday night at 6:00 p.m. at the RSVP Building beginning Sunday, September 8th. The popular “Chosen” series will be played on the big screen one episode at a time, followed by an interactive discussion on the life and ministry of Jesus. Everyone is invited and we hope to see you there!”

  • Men’s Bible Study:

Led by Robert Reed and Jeff Hutchings
We meet every other Thursday night from 6:30-8:00 p.m. to study the Foundations of Scripture.
Our first area of focus is on Genesis and Exodus, followed by Luke and Acts. Beginning with this study helps shape our understanding of the entirety of both the Old and New Testaments

Redeemer Men’s Outings

Redeemer Men is a men’s group that serves in conjunction with the Men’s Bible Study for those who are seeking Christ Centered Fellowship and Friendship through the ABC’s: Activities, Bible Study, and Community Service. Below are several activities to plan for in the coming weeks:

September 4th – Bike Ride
September 18th – Golf
October 2nd – Lake Kayaking
October 16th – Hiking
November 20th – Golf
December 11th – Bike Ride

  • Women’s Bible Study: The Study of Genesis

Led by Cheryl Stephens
Join us as we walk through the pages of Genesis as we address questions like: Where did I Come From? What is my Purpose? And Where am I Going? We will quickly see that God uses flawed people to fulfill his purposes. What better place to start than at the beginning!

We begin Thursday, September 5th and meet the following 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month at 9:00 a.m.

  • Finding Me After Us: A Widows Life Group

Led by Darlene Glasscock
Finding Me After Us is a Women’s group for widows with an emphasis on devotionals, prayer, and support sessions as we navigate through the seasons of widowhood. The hope is to give each individual the opportunity to express their concerns and feelings about coping with the loss of such a significant person that affects our past, present, and future. We will look at how we can lean into Jesus to help with these emotions.

Our Life Group begins on Thursday, September 5th at 6:00 p.m. and meets every other Tuesday night following at Darlene’s house.

  • Bridge to Healing

Led by Stacey Duncan and Cheryl Duvall
Bridge to Healing by Charles Stanley is a 12 week Bible Study that covers the topic of identity in Christ. Two weekly sessions are offered for Tuesday and Wednesday evenings from 6:00 to 7:30 with a limit of 8-10 people per group. The Tuesday night group is a women’s study and the Wednesday night group is open to everyone.

We will begin on September 10th and will open the two meeting options weekly to follow

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