Sunday Small Groups

Foundations of the Faith

Led by Glenn and Cheryl Stephens

This class exists to equip believers both new and old with biblical knowledge and understanding concerning the main tenets of the Christian Faith. Through this class, you will be better prepared to fulfill your unique calling and purpose for God’s Kingdom work.

We meet every Sunday morning during the Small Group hour from 8:45-9:45am, followed by Worship from 10:00-11:00. Join us as we learn together and build authentic community on a weekly basis!

Senior Adults

Led by Andy Lee

The mission of the Adult Ministry of Christ Redeemer Church is to empower our members to grow in their faith and knowledge of the Lord. We want our adults to serve the Lord and our community. We do this by providing opportunities for mission, ministry, worship, fellowship, spiritual growth, teaching, mentoring, and giving of our time, talents, and tithe.

We meet every Sunday morning during the Small Group hour from 8:45-9:45am, followed by Worship from 10:00-11:00. Join us as we learn together and build authentic community on a weekly basis!

Young Adults

Led by John Ross and Roy Rollings

The Young Adult Ministry at CRC is a group of people which spans from those who have aged out of our Student Ministry to those in their thirties. This group exists to build community with one another through Jesus Christ. The Young Adults meet on a weekly basis to have a better understanding of God’s word, and how to navigate the world through the lens of Christ.

We meet every Sunday morning during the Small Group hour from 8:45-9:45am, followed by Worship from 10:00-11:00. Join us as we learn together and build authentic community on a weekly basis!

Our Services

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